
凰吉企業有限公司成立於1980年,於新北市土城區籌建塑膠工廠,初期從事成衣業、皮包業、運動器材業,消費性用品之包裝材料。1982年開始研發生產抗靜電PE袋,並進入高科技外商公司之電子包材供應鏈,隨後也成為台灣各科技大廠之供應商。40年來公司的產品隨產業之演變來配合客戶需求,開發新的產品來符合及滿足客戶,專業領域包括抗靜電聚合物材料PE / PP產品,ESD /防潮/真空袋氣泡袋泡棉EPE無紡布等複合產品,以及聚酯保護膜,CPE真空盒 / Tray盤POF,防銹袋,乾燥劑...等。近年來由於世界的環保趨勢,我們配合開發了一些可生物降解的材料,其物理性能可與原始塑料材料相近,從而為客戶提供了滿足其需求的替代解決方案。凰吉秉持著不斷創新的意識服務客戶,同時持有高品質、高效率、高滿意度的態度,與我們的客戶和合作夥伴達到雙贏的局面 ! 

Huangjyii Enterprise Co., Ltd. was established in 1980 in Tucheng District, New Taipei City. In 1982, Huangjyii began to develop anti-static PE bags and became the first company in Taiwan to successfully launch such product. Due to this milestone, Huangjyii became a supplier of major technology manufacturers in Taiwan. Over the past 40 years, the company’s products have matured and innovated with the evolution of the industry to meet customer needs, which include the development of numerous new products to meet and satisfy our clients. Huangjyii’s products and serviced areas include antistatic polymer materials, PE/PP products, ESD / moisture barrier / vacuum bags, bubble bags, foams, EPE, non-woven fabrics and other composite products, as well as polyester protective films, CPE, vacuum tray, POF, VCI bags, desiccants...etc. In recent years, due to the global environmental awareness, we have cooperated with experts in the field to develop biodegradable materials. 
